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  • Tags: NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research

Contents include: articles on Danish young people's notions and experiences of sexual (non) consenting, Norwegian rape verdicts, gay porn and politics in 1980s Finland, and more.

Contents include: articles on gender equality in parliamentary debates on the competitiveness pact in Finland, gendering and racialising the politics of entrepreneurship in Swedish eldercare, gender budgeting in Finland, and more.

Contents include: articles on Hegemonic Feminism Revisited, Transversal Dialogues on Intersectionality, Race Matters in Intersectional Feminism, and more.

Contents include: articles on a gender perspective on temporary organizations in crisis management, the multiple meanings of female genital mutilation in a minority migrant context, gatekeepers for gendersex norms, and more.

Contents include: articles on feminist materialism and Covid-19, writing women on the verge of individuality, abortion in Sweden, and more.

Contents include: articles on business feminism, liminal silence as "queering" dramatic irony, making sense of sexual consent among adults living in Sweden, and more.

Contents include: special issue on Affective Intimacies.
Guest Editors: Marjo Kolehmainen, Kinneret Lahad, and Annukka Lahti.

Contents include: articles on Moving Beyond Carceral Pride and Building Queer Coalitions in Post-22/7 Norway, Selling Swedish Fathers: On Fatherhood, Gender Equality and Swedishness in Strategic Communication by the Swedish Institute, 1968-2015,…

nora vol. 30 no. 1.pdf
Special Issue: Nordic Women and Transnational Networks during the Cold War: Collaboration, Conflicts, Achievements, and Memory

Nora 30.2.pdf
Contents include: articles on Gendered Work-Life Ideologies Among IT Professionals; Revolutionary Feminisms: Conversations on Collective Action and Radical Thought; Contradictions In Care: Ward Nurses' Experiences of Work and Management in the…
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