Contents include: articles on ‘Male and Female He Created Them’: The Roman Catholic Church’s Inconsistent Stance on Gender; Mechitza as a Metaphor: Separation or Unity?; Beyond Secular Autonomy? The Concept of Emancipation According to Saba Mahmood…
Contents include: articles on Re-centering and recovering knowledge about climate-friendly agriculture: Learning from a woman African indigenous knowledge holder; Gender and climate change ‘through other eyes’: Grassroots women’s responses to…
Contents include articles on: climate justice in Asia; mainstreaming the nexus of gender, health, and climate change in local development planning; global agreements on climate change and their synergies; and more.
Contents include: articles on «Una tragedia di linguaggio non corrisposto»: Language between Family Crisis and Transnationalism in Viola di Grado’s Settanta acrilico trenta lana; Returning to the Imaginary and Recreating Female Subjectivity through…
Contents include: articles on The Promise of Janus-Faced Futures: George S. Schuyler’s Black No More & Maurice Carlos Ruffin’s We Cast a Shadow: A Novel ; Collaboration and Subsistence: Alix E. Harrow's Once and Future Witches through an Ecofeminist…