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  • Tags: theory

Health Care for Women International, vol. 45, no. 4-6, 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on An Accidental Discovery of Scientific Fraud: A Reconstruction; Health-Related quality of life of women with endometriosis; and more

hypatia, vol. 39, no. 1.pdf
Contents include: articles on Authenticity, Morality, and gender Norms; Trans Epistemology and methodological Radicalism; Epistemic Diversity and Epistemic Advantage; and more

feminist theory 24.3.pdf
Contents include: articles on Rape and Social Death; Antigone re-imagined: Uprooted Women's Political Narratives; Making Feminist Sense in the Global South: A Conversation with Urvashi Butalia; and more.

Contents include: articles on Short-Circuited Trans Care, t4t, and Trans Scenes; The Affective Politics of Care in Trans Crowdfunding; “Necessary Bonding”: On Black Trans Studies, Kinship, and Black Feminist Genealogies; and more.

feminist theory.pdf
Contents include: articles on The fetish economy of sex and gender activism: transnational appropriation and allyship; Speculative feminism and the shifting frontiers of bioscience: envisioning reproductive futures with synthetic gametes through the…

Contents include: articles on Is lesbian identity obsolete?; Lesbian, feminist, TERF: a queer attack on feminist studies; The institutionalization of queer theory: Where has lesbian criticism gone?
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