Contains articles on: gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews in Israel; questions on trans and queer methods in religious studies; archiving religious piety and trans identity; and more.
Includes articles on: the impact of childhood sexual abuse on interpersonal relationships; Dalit feminist literature from South India; re-envisioning community-engaged healing for Black women; and more.
Includes articles on: gendered politics at work and play; new possibilities for higher education in prison; how the art of perception can improve campus investigations and awareness; and more.
Contents include: articles on Black Women in Athletic Communications; Supporters of Diversity Take to Twitter to Defend Maligned Harvard President Claudine Gay; Supporting Innovation in Teaching and Learning; and more.
Contents include: articles on Resist and Rise: A Trauma-Informed Womanist Model for Group Therapy; Latina Students’ Post-IPV Healing: A Bodymindspirit Approach Using the ELLA-SANA Model; The Experiences of Syrian Mothers Who Are Refugees in Canada:…
Contents include: articles on Abolition and the Welfare State: Implications for Social Welfare; Lone Motherhood, Poverty and the Meaning of Money; Black Women’s Physical, Mental, and Sexual Health in the Criminal
Legal System: Influences of…
Contents include articles on: the identity negotiations of Chinese women journalists in the field of digital journalism; female perspectives in the world of advertising; young people's constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence…
Contents include articles on: Applying Black Feminist Theory to Research, Practice, and Advocacy on Gendered Racism among Black Women; Healing the Trauma of Racism and Sexism; a Case Study on Healing Intersectional Racial Trauma; and more.