Contents include: Mexico decriminalizes abortion; all eyes on Palestine: the responsibility to witness suffering; Human Rights Commission charged with racism; and more.
Includes articles on: the changing landscape of Mexican abortion activism; white wellness, Black feminism, and the politics of self-care; gender and the relational patterns of migration from Vietnam; book reviews; and more.
Contains articles on: the negative effects of internalized homonegativity on sexual satisfaction, lesbian fandom and queerbaiting, Chicana lesbian desire as intervention and offering, poetry, interviews, and more.
Contents include articles on: critical consciousness from a Palestinian feminist, decolonial perspective; refugee women's pregnancy and childbirth experiences in the US; navigating discourses of responsible motherhood in the context of VBAC; and…
Contents include: articles on Showcases of Empire, Epistemic Transformations, and the Contours of Resistance; Trans Visual Narratives: Representing Gender and Nature in Early Modern Europe; “Her Infant at Her Breast”: Breastfeeding as Survival and…
Contents include: articles on Grieving geographies, mourning waters: Life, death, and environmental gendered racialized struggles in Mexico; Bringing Home la Leche: Expanding Teachers’ Maternal Roles in Rural Oaxaca; A Family Matter: Responsibility…
Contents include: articles on Mental disorder and subsequent marital separation among migrant and non-migrant women; Life satisfaction of multicultural married couples: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model analysis; Children academic stress, mothers’…
Contents include: articles on “I LOVE This”: An Exploration of How Self-Objectification Predicts Support for Menstrual Suppression; Failure to Feed: Women’s Experiences of Breastfeeding and the Implications for Health Promotion Practice; Revealing…
Contents include: articles on Femicide and Feminicide in Mexico: Patterns and Trends in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Regions; Challenges to Reintegration: A Qualitative Intrinsic Case-Study of Convicted Female Sex Traffickers ; Reinvestigating the…