Includes articles on: Locating abortion and contraception on the obstetric violence continuum; the moral asymmetry of conscientious provision and conscientious refusal; a feminist bioethics conference in Qatar; and more.
Contents include: articles on Mental health and social support experiences of transgender and gender nonconforming adults in rural America: A meta-synthesis; The impact of sexual orientation on how men experience disordered eating and drive for…
Contents include: articles on What really matters for returning to work after breast cancer? A 6-month exploratory study; The relationship between primary ovarian insufficiency and gene variations: a prospective case-control study; The effect of…
Contents include: articles on Resist and Rise: A Trauma-Informed Womanist Model for Group Therapy; Latina Students’ Post-IPV Healing: A Bodymindspirit Approach Using the ELLA-SANA Model; The Experiences of Syrian Mothers Who Are Refugees in Canada:…
Contents include: articles on An Integrated Conceptual Framework Linking Attachment Insecurity to Increased Risk for Both Enacting and Experiencing Objectification; Sexist Attitudes in Online Video Gaming: Development and Validation of the Sexism…
Contents include: articles on Mother blaming and anorexia: How ideological state apparatuses have informed my perception of my mother's role in the formation of my eating disorder; “Fake it ‘till you make it”: Authenticity and wellbeing in late…
Contents include: articles on Feminism, Social Work, Militarization, and War; Bodies of work: The labour of sex in the digital age; Barriers to Achieving Reproductive Justice for an Indigenous Gulf
Coast Tribe; and more.
Contents include: articles on psychological impacts of endometriosis on women's identity, exploring women's portrayals of the vagina in relation to vaginal cleansing product use, exploring experiences of agency among incarcerated women in South…