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  • Tags: COVID-19

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Contents include: articles on Gender and Leadership Evaluations; Corporate Social Performance and board gender diversity; Indian women engineers on work; and more

Includes articles on: the meaning of abuse for young Arab women in Israel; reconceptualizing resilience and vulnerability in liberal feminist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic; gender mainstreaming in Albanian higher education institutions; and…

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Includes articles on: exploring gendered responses to sexual and gender based violence workshops in England and Ireland; women academics' perception and negotiation of work-life domains during the COVID-19 work from home era at an Australian regional…

Includes articles on: sexual subjectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic; the persistence and endurance of blood family; on the role of intimate citizenship for transforming sexual subjectivities; and more.

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Includes articles on: a psychoanalytical approach toward intersectionality, identity, and hegemony; COVID-19 and violence against the LGBTI+ community in favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; affective gaslighting and rape culture; and more.

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Contains articles on: an exploratory study about the perceived impact of COVID-19 measures on women and men in Ukraine and Belarus; how Argentinian gay men negotiate COVID-19 protocols for hooking-up; politicization of hotel housekeeping in the Las…

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Contains articles on: exploring the content of gendered stereotypes of the managerial role among undergraduate business students in Ireland; gender diversity of board of directors and shareholders: machine learning exploration during COVID-19; lived…

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Contents include: articles on Gender, Race, and Class in an Intersectional Framework: Occupations and Wages in the United States; The Gender Happiness Gap in China: Composition Effect or Coefficient Effect?; Gender Gaps in Financial Literacy:…

Contents include: articles on Agents of Socialization, Anxiety, College Women, and Fear of Rape; In Their Own Words: Women Veterans Identify the Personal Consequences of Military Sexual Trauma Victimization; Co-Occurring Intimate Partner Violence and…
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