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  • Tags: rape

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Contents include: articles on New Zealand’s Military and the Disciplining of Sex between Men; Whither Rape in the History of Sexuality;

Contents include: articles on Why Young Women Who Use Opioids Are at Risk for Rape: The Impact of Social Vulnerabilities and Sexually Coercive Drug Using Contexts; Speaking Out on Sexualized Violence Through Artistic Storytelling in Post-conflict…

Contents include: articles on Agents of Socialization, Anxiety, College Women, and Fear of Rape; In Their Own Words: Women Veterans Identify the Personal Consequences of Military Sexual Trauma Victimization; Co-Occurring Intimate Partner Violence and…

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Contents include: articles on Gender Reflections on the (Post)Pandemic in Central and Eastern Europe.

Contains articles on: contesting assumptions of second-wave feminism; power, paternalism and process of the National Shipwreck Relief Society of NSW; the political power of emotions; and more.

Contents include: articles on Rape and social death; Crashing bodies: towards an intersectional assemblage theory of domestic violence; Abolition of the family: the most infamous feminist proposal; and more.

Contents include: articles on The Impacts of Conservatism, Social Dominance, and Rape Myth Acceptance on Blame Attribution in Ambiguous Rape Scenarios; Perceptions of Anticipated Peer Support for Survivors of Sexual Violence Among Students with…

Contents include: articles on Sharon Lockhart's Philosophy of the Casual: Toward an Eco-Cinema of Sociability; Nonmaterial Overelaboration: Gender, Casting, and Camouflaged Labor in Pat Rocco's Promotional Travelogue ; Calculating Couples: Computing…

Contents include articles on: partner's violence during the COVID-19 lockdown and women's fear: a study involving anti-violence centres in Italy; COVID-19, violence against women and support for Black and minoritised survivors; the role of NGO…

Contains articles on: sexual violence, forensic medicine, and the courtroom in early Francoist Spain; Savile's shadow: exceptionalism and shifting historical perpetration narratives, 1964-2012; the missing and imaginged perpretrator in rape…
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