Contents include: articles on Keeping Girls in Schools Longer: The Kanyashree Approach in India; Shecession: The Downfall of Colombian Women During the Covid-19 Pandemic; The Gendered Relationship Between Temporary, Informal Employment and Wages:…
Contains articles on: keeping girls in schools longer, an examination of business ownership and housework burdens in black and white US couples, school closures and work hours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria, and more.
Contents include: articles on A Jewish Reclaiming of German-Jewish Women Thinkers; "I Am a Conscious Jew and an Austrian": Austrian Jewish Women Survivors in Post-Shoah Austria; The Invisible Anikó Szenes; and more.
Contents include: articles on feminist websites and feminist knowledge, feminist tensions in British popular culture, representations of the German woman's body in the official Nazi women's magazine, and more.
Contents include: articles on Danish young people's notions and experiences of sexual (non) consenting, Norwegian rape verdicts, gay porn and politics in 1980s Finland, and more.