Contents include: articles on Persistence of Abortion Stigma Inscribed in the Legal Framework: The Case of Abortion Attitudes in Poland; Gender Dynamics During the Colombian Armed Conflict; Tradeoff between Gender and Class Equality: An Analysis of…
Includes articles on: performing heterosexual attraction in a bisexual interview; sexual performances and sexual personas in academia; exploring the role of place in sex work through participant photography; and more.
Contents include articles on: spousal support and dyadic adjustment in the early postpartum period; breastfeeding challenges and the impact of social support in Iranian Muslim mothers; healthcare utilization before and during the COVID-19 pandemic…
Includes articles on: exploring ruling relations in the Norwegian welfare state from the standpoint of a Somali single parent; division of labour in Chilean heterosexual couples during their first pregnancy; naming practices in domestic homicide…
Contents include: articles on Decision-Making, Violence, Resistance, and Love: Contested and Complicating Narratives of Syrian Marriages; Understanding Intimate Partner Violence: Why Coercive Control Requires a Social and Systemic Entrapment…
Contents include: articles on Migration, mobility and policy responses; The political effects of social attitudes; The cultural forms of gender; and more.
Contents include: articles on Parental Leave Policies, Usage Consequences, and Changing Normative Beliefs: Evidence From a Survey Experiment; The Fragile Male: An Experimental Study of Transgender Classification and the Durability of Gender…
Contents include: articles on Turning Bourdieu back upon sexual field theory; Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland; Becoming a sexademic: Reflections on a ‘dirty’ research project; and more.