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  • Tags: Russia

Women & Aging, vol. 36, no. 1-3.pdf
Contents include: articles on Menopausal symptoms and attitudes; Women's body representations across the life course; Only daughters caring for their aging mothers; and more

social politics toc.pdf
Includes articles on: gender balance on state boards in Ireland; political representation and intersectionality: perspectives of ethnically/racially minoritized citizens; rethinking transnational feminism in Russia and Serbia; and more.

Includes articles on: sexual subjectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic; the persistence and endurance of blood family; on the role of intimate citizenship for transforming sexual subjectivities; and more.

Aspasia Cover.jpg
Contents include: articles on Feminisms and Politics in the Interwar Period; Polish-Jewish Female Writers and the Women's Emancipation Movements in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries; Between Transnational Cooperation and Nationalism;…

Gender History - 2023 - - Issue Information.pdf
Contents include: articles on Women, Gender and Human Rights: Women's International Organisations and Solidarity with Chile; Whores Aboard and Laws Abroad: English Women and Sexual Slander in Early Colonial New South Wales; Wrinkles in Time: Old Age,…

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Contents include: articles on Transnational Feminist Approaches to Anti-Muslim Racism; Race, Gender, and Religion: Islamophobia and Beyond ; The Entanglement of Secularism and Feminism in Pakistan; and more.

Contents include: articles on Becoming Muslim: Converting old and new practices through ‘turning away’; For sled dogs and women: Hormonal contraception and animacy hierarchies in Danish/Greenlandic Depo-Provera debates; Non-binary gender markers:…

Contents include: articles on (Un)Belonging: The Production of Black Trans Loneliness; Latinas Experiences with Sexual Satisfaction, Pleasure and Desire: An Exploratory Qualitative Study; Taking Care at Work: Gender, Coping, and Anti-Violence Work…

BiWomenQuarterly 40.2.pdf
Contents include: articles and entries centered around the theme, 'Bi+ Health'.

LilithMag, spring 2022.pdf
Contents include: Portraits of Power; After the Fall; Mama Lives On; mother body erasure identity; My Mother, the Imposter; and more.
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