Contents Include: articles on Introduction: Parenting, polyamory and consensual non-monogamy; Queer Potentials: Negotiations of Gender, parenthood, and family in polyamorous relationships in The Netherlands; Parenthood between project logic and…
Includes articles on: sexual subjectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic; the persistence and endurance of blood family; on the role of intimate citizenship for transforming sexual subjectivities; and more.
Includes articles on: performing heterosexual attraction in a bisexual interview; sexual performances and sexual personas in academia; exploring the role of place in sex work through participant photography; and more.
Contents include: articles on Aerial, apparatus, assemblage: Pain, pleasure, kink, and the circus body without organs; Hanging, blowing, slamming and playing: Erotic control and overflow in a digital chemsex scene; Play, secrecy and consent:…
Contents include: articles on Fields, features, and filters: how dating applications construct sexual fields and romantic and erotic capital; Swedish poly utopia: Dreams, revolutions, and crushed hopes; Drawgasms: Playing with expectations and…
Contents include: articles on Platforms, sex work and their interconnectedness; Spanish gay male subjectivity, body, intimacy, and affect on Instagram; “You’re selling a brand”: Marketing commercial sex online; and more.
Contents include: articles on The ‘addict sexual script’: Addiction discourse among Israeli sex industry consumers; Stigma, invisibility and unattainable ‘choices’ in sex work; Queer expectations: An empirical critique of rural LGBT+ narratives; and…