Contents include: articles on Aerial, apparatus, assemblage: Pain, pleasure, kink, and the circus body without organs; Hanging, blowing, slamming and playing: Erotic control and overflow in a digital chemsex scene; Play, secrecy and consent:…
Contents include: articles on Fields, features, and filters: how dating applications construct sexual fields and romantic and erotic capital; Swedish poly utopia: Dreams, revolutions, and crushed hopes; Drawgasms: Playing with expectations and…
Contents include: articles on Rethinking Explicit Consent and Intimate Data: The Case of Menstruapps; Transgender EU Citizens and the Limited Form of Union Citizenship available to them; Networked Struggles: Placards at Pakistan’s Aurat March; and…
Contents include: articles on Feminism, Social Work, Militarization, and War; Bodies of work: The labour of sex in the digital age; Barriers to Achieving Reproductive Justice for an Indigenous Gulf
Coast Tribe; and more.
Contents include: articles on A Political Pause: Multiple Temporalities of Activism in the Feminist Newspaper Distaff, Out of Place and Out of Time: Andrew Cunanan, Darren Criss, and Queer Filipinx Haunting, "Anyone Can Be Pussy Riot": Exploring the…