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  • Tags: sexual assault

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Contents include: articles on Clarice and the sweet pea of her sexual desires; Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements; and more

Includes articles on: creating caring community for survivors through transformative justice; on seasons and motherhood; poetry; and more.

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Includes articles on: a psychoanalytical approach toward intersectionality, identity, and hegemony; COVID-19 and violence against the LGBTI+ community in favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; affective gaslighting and rape culture; and more.

Contents include: articles on Gendered Blame: Narratives of Participation in Genocide; Prosecuting Military Sexual Assault: The Entanglement of Military Discourse and Victim Stereotypes in Prosecutor Case Strategies; A Mixed Method Exploration of…

Contents include: articles on Feminist Semiotics of “Safe”: Intimate Violence in the Time of Pandemic; The Relationship Between Rape Myths, Revictimization by Law Enforcement, and Well-Being for
Victims of Sexual Assault; Reproductive Coercion and…

Contents include: articles on Fields, features, and filters: how dating applications construct sexual fields and romantic and erotic capital; Swedish poly utopia: Dreams, revolutions, and crushed hopes; Drawgasms: Playing with expectations and…

Contents include: articles on No Male Comparators: The Doubling Up of Discrimination on Pay Equity; The Role of Motive in Sexual Assault Trials; Trans Rights, Trans Justice: A Conversation About Key Trans Legal Issues in Canada; and more.

Contents Comprendre l’inconduite sexuelle policière : une perspective canadienneSurrogacy in Canada: Lawyers' Experiences and PracticesDefamation as a Sword: The Weaponization of Civil Liability against Sexual Assault Survivors in the Post-#MeToo…

Contents include: articles on Sociological Understandings of Sexual Assault: The Legacy of Diana Scully; Timing of Sexual Assault Disclosure: A Study of College Women; Relationships Between Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Mindfulness, and…
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