Contents include: articles on Framed as (Un)Victims of Sexual Violence: An Intersectional Model; Transportation Experiences of Rural Women on Probation; and more
Contents include: articles on Clarice and the sweet pea of her sexual desires; Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements; and more
Contents include: articles on Epistemic Peerhood in Trans Social Work Research; Resistance as a Foundational Commons: Intersectionality, Transfeminism, and the Future of Critical Feminisms; Fat Liberation: How Social Workers Can Incorporate Fat…
Contents include: articles on The Gendered Consequences of Abolition and Citizenship on Nineteenth-Century Gorée Island; “The Ministry of Women’s Affairs will not be Feminist”: Jeanne Gervais and Gender Complementarity in Côte d’Ivoire; Slavery’s…
Contents include: articles on Redefining Motherhood: How Formerly Incarcerated Black Mothers Frame Mothering Choices; A Developmental Perspective on Girls’ Delinquency: Testing the Family Stress Model; Individuals With Mental Illnesses on Probation:…
Contents include: articles on Hegemonic Feminism Revisited, Transversal Dialogues on Intersectionality, Race Matters in Intersectional Feminism, and more.